The Artist

My first love is my family and my passion is creating and designing unique bespoke creations. For as long as I can remember I have always been creative, and working with my hands has always just felt right.
My previous career of 14 years in hospitality was a good fit for raising our young family. I then took the opportunity to go back to study and learn jewellery making as that was what I was so passionate about. I eventually established my career as a Silversmith in 2011 after I attended the Gordon TAFE in Geelong and completing the Introduction, Intermediate, Advanced Creative Jewellery Making Courses.
It was the spark! that drove me to commence my own business to be happy-get up each day loving what I do. I can honestly say I am lucky; it is an awesome feeling…
I hope that I am still able to swing a hammer at the grand young age of 80!! Haha!
Along with jewellery making, I work with leather and other discernible fabrics that are versatile and where the ideas are endless. This gives me diversity in creating a wider selection of goods and eclectic pieces to offer to my clients and wonderful buyers.
Materials I work with are of course metals; sterling silver, copper, brass, silver nickel, semi-precious gems and stones, as well as leather, woven fabrics, cork, glass, wood and anything else that allows me to produce goods with a rustic unique appeal.
I put my heart and soul into each piece I create, the craftsmanship should be quality and not just only to enhance the pieces attributes, but with age, give continuous compliments to the wearer, as well a unique and timeless design that I can only hope will be an heirloom someday.
My interests are historical artefacts within an array of different cultures. The Native American culture is my strongest inspiration. I find them truly beautiful in themselves, their beliefs and their way of life; also cultures of Viking-Scandinavian, Mexican, and European are also influences in my journey, and of course the Aboriginal Indigenous culture, all of these have similar qualities and beliefs which are all my muse and inspiration I use to create unique pieces!
Also using coins from all around the world also helps me to keep precious currency going… The thought of how many people might have used this single coin which I am about to create with is something special and blows my mind, and how many families has it bought the everyday necessities for, the list is long and remarkable.
I try to avoid being influenced by trends and preconceived ideas. A designer should be inspired by other Artisans but remain true to his/her own style. It is most important to be original and be unique. Life is to short to be anything less.
Thank you for visiting my site and taking this journey with me and reading a small glimpse but exciting part of my life, it’s what makes me ME just as your story is what makes you YOU… tell it, be proud of how far you have travelled, the trials and tribulations, how far and wide you still want to go, leave one hell of an epic story to tell, because WE each have one.
The human body is my canvas; creating a one of a kind piece of wearable artwork to contribute to the wearer’s uniqueness… is priceless.